Raw in-shell nuts are received at the factories in large sacks. At this point the nuts have a very high humidity level because they have been lying on the floor of the Amazon for a number of weeks. The materials are then calibrated (sized) into tiny/midget/medium/large, the international sizing format for Brazil nuts.
Once calibrated, the nuts pass down the line to the Autoclave, which is a large heated cylinder. This begins the drying process and helps to separate the protective nut shell from the nut kernel. After this, the shells are cracked open and passed through several quality control lines where in order to select out ‘chias’ – rotten or damaged nuts.
Next the kernels are dried in metal trays for anywhere between 15 to 20 hours at high temperatures to take the humidity level down to a moisture level of about 4.5%. After another check for kernels with defects and one more aflatoxin check the goods come off the production belt and enter the packing room. Kernels are packed into 44LB cartons, ready for export.